This year’s Heli-Expo held in Las Vegas from March 4th to 7th was a big success for Eurocopter. With American Eurocopter, Eurocopter Mexico and Eurocopter Canada collaborating, new and upgraded products were on display, demonstrator unveiled, and support and new services tools launched.

 The static display of products at Eurocopter booth included:

–       EC225 in Oil and Gas configuration.

–       EC175 Oil and Gas configuration under Bristow Group’s colors.

–       EC145 T2 in EMS configuration

–       AS350 B3 with glass cockpit.

A 3D video of Eurocopter’s X3 hybrid helicopter showcased the future of aviation.

 The Eurocopter services on display included:

–       The on-line customers’ services portal, Keycopter

–       The future tool “e-TechPub”  

–       The application PC2-DLE, new take-off and landing procedure’s help.

 New product launches:

EC135 P3/T3:

Eurocopter unveiled the new EC135 P3/T3 at HAI 2013. The new light twin-engine helicopter comes with new features and improvements including:

– New and optimized FADEC software

 – A new lateral air intake, compatible with Inlet Barrier Filter (IBF) installation

– New Main Rotor design: Increased rotor diameter

– Higher NR (Rotor rpm): variable rotor speed depending on the density

– Improved performance in hot and high conditions

– More performance at less density

– More payload, enhanced safety


In terms of innovation, Eurocopter continues to lead the way by coming up with the most high-tech and advanced solutions. The Helionix is a new generation of avionics designed and manufactured by Eurocopter .

The main features are:

– Multi-function Displays (MFD) and Aircraft Management Computer  (AMC),designed to cope with temperatures the most demanding environment constraints

– Enhanced situation awareness with integrated options as Digital Map, HTAWS, Synthetic Vision System and Electronic Flight Bag

– Reduced pilot attention inside the cockpit with innovative crew alerting concept with on demand vehicle monitoring system (VMS)

– Enhanced pilot assistance thanks to the most advanced 4 axis dual duplex AFCS derived from EC225 providing also unique flight envelop protection whatever AEO or OEI.

– Unrivalled level of redundancy with DMAP, HTWAS, EFB and Vehicle Monitoring system embedded in each MFD, dual duplex aircraft management computers and 3 inertial sensors + 1 IESI (Integrated Electronic Stand-by Instrument)

The Helionix is in certification phase. It will be standard on the EC175 and will also be available on the EC145 T2.


Virtual Configurator:

It realistically renders Eurocopter’s helicopter family members in a 3D representation with multiple options and paint schemes. This is a powerful tool ideal for finalizing aircraft configuration with customers. The configurator provides internal and external views from various angles, and presents the 3D visualization on a large screen.