The Rotor Rewards Team would like to thank all members of the program for another year of support with regards to the fleet information campaign. Fleet information updates help Airbus Helicopters Canada in continuously improving support & services through better forecasting customer needs.

The winners of the 2014 promotional draw are as follows:

  • 1st Prize – Early Bird Draw: A trip for 2 to Heli‐Expo 2014 in Anaheim, CA, including airfare, accommodation and two 3 day show passes – Sarvair Aviation
  • 2nd Prize – Apple iPad Mini – Heliproducts Industries Ltd
  • 3rd Prize: Leather Jacket – Bailey Helicopters Ltd


Starting this year, two special prizes were awarded for the most accurate forecast information. The winners for these are:

  • Best Average Flight Hours Forecast – GoPro Hero 3 Video Camera – Hydro One Helicopter Services
  • Best Spares & Maintenance Requirements Forecast – GoPro Hero 3 Video Camera – Questral Helicopters

Congratulations to all the winners!

The Rotor Rewards Program has grown considerably since its launch in 2010.  Today, over 80% of Airbus Helicopters Canada’s utility fleet is part of the program. Eligible customers who have not yet enrolled to the program can do so by visiting the Rotor Rewards section on our website at: www.airbushelicopters.ca/rotorrewards and filling out the enrollment form. 

For further information, please refer to the Terms & Conditions on the website or contact us at rotorrewards[at]eurocopter.ca