Tech Tip 2014-001

ATA:                  62

Aircraft Model:    EC135

Subject:             Main Rotor Blade Lead Lag Dampers – Interchangeability & Mixability

Date:                 March 19, 2014

3 MR Blade damper PN’s available (2 of 1st generation – 1 of 2nd)











L621M1003101 – manufactured by Lord

L621M10T2001 – manufactured by Vibrachoc

–      Fampers are interchangeable and mixable in a set of blades – they may even be mixed on one blade

–      Can be replaced individually on a blade

–      Cannot be used on EC135e versions


L621M1003102 (pair of 2 dampers PN L621M1003110)

–      SB EC135-62-031 to modify old generation MR Blades with new dampers

–      Softer and more flexible for improved cold weather performance

–      Base plate made from more corrosion resistant aluminum

–      Must be changed as a pair (not individually) on a blade

–      Can be used on all EC135 versions (mandatory for “e” versions)

–      1st and 2nd generation dampers cannot be mixed in a set of blades

–      Refer to ALS 04-00-00, 2-4 for current life limits of each damper